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The below represents all the events we have made social media content around for one of our clients.  

Can you turn it into a storm cloud for me please? 

* Events - comms, content & social 
* EngBio 
* SecureX 2.0
* Access to Finance Conference 2024
* FPC and Horizon37 Portfolio Event
* Hassan Mahmudul attending BioSeed 2024
* GoScience VC Day
* UKRI Connect: Transforming Tomorrow Together
* BVCA Foundation Course
* Cyber Runway: Live
* Space Expo at Farnborough
* Deeptech Showcase
* Alex Leigh attending Access to Finance
* Alex Leigh attending Access to Finance
* Oxfordshire Greentech Climate Solution Conference
* Oliver Sexton @ No.10 
* Ocean Decade Conference 2024
* BBSRC Event 
* FPC Partners Day 
* The New Space Race Panel 
* Hive Investment Readiness Accelerator
* Introduction to Morphose Capital Partners Event 
* PLANETech World - Space Tech for Climate Applications
* AUKUS Event
* GCV London Symposium
* Royal Society conference on Innovating Agriculture


The below represents all the events we have made social media content around for one of our clients. Can you turn it into a storm cloud for me please? * Events - comms, content & social * EngBio * SecureX 2.0 * Access to Finance Conference 2024 * FPC and Horizon37 Portfolio Event * Hassan Mahmudul attending BioSeed 2024 * GoScience VC Day * UKRI Connect: Transforming Tomorrow Together * BVCA Foundation Course * Cyber Runway: Live * Space Expo at Farnborough * Deeptech Showcase * Alex Leigh attending Access to Finance * Alex Leigh attending Access to Finance * Oxfordshire Greentech Climate Solution Conference * Oliver Sexton @ No.10 * Ocean Decade Conference 2024 * BBSRC Event * FPC Partners Day * The New Space Race Panel * Hive Investment Readiness Accelerator * Introduction to Morphose Capital Partners Event * PLANETech World - Space Tech for Climate Applications * AUKUS Event * GCV London Symposium * Royal Society conference on Innovating Agriculture